Feng Shui: An Interview with Victoria Coen
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement, which aims to bring harmony and balance into our surroundings to transform and revitalize our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The term Feng Shui (fung shway) literally translates to "wind" and "water". This practice incorporates elements of nature into a space to enhance the positive energy of our home, office, or garden, creating a more peaceful place to live, love, and prosper. You would be amazed at how subtle shifts in your environment can create significant benefits in your health, wealth, career, and relationships. For example, after moving a client’s sofa and coffee table about 6 inches, she exclaimed with amazement, "Now I can BREATHE!"
How and when did you become interested in Feng Shui and decide to become a Certified Feng Shui Consultant?
My passion for interior design has been a constant, as I've consistently adorned my homes with a careful blend of color, texture, lighting, and style. Above all, I've strived to create spaces that evoke a certain feeling while functioning seamlessly and maintaining a natural flow. Discovering Feng Shui over 25 years ago ignited a profound curiosity within me, leading me to embark on a journey of exploration. I delved into this ancient practice under the mentorship of experts from the U.S., China, Europe, and Australia, ultimately achieving the status of a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner.
In my role, I conduct private consultations for homes, businesses, and gardens. My dedication extends to teaching Feng Shui classes across the Northwest, where I've also been honored with interviews for radio, newspapers, and magazines. This captivating profession empowers me to help clients actualize their aspirations, creating harmony and equilibrium in their living spaces and lives.
A transformative experience awaited me during my trip to China and Hong Kong, significantly enriching my knowledge, expertise, and sincere appreciation for Feng Shui's origins.
Could you discuss some of the benefits of incorporating Feng Shui into our living spaces?
The advantages of integrating Feng Shui into your home, office, or garden are truly remarkable. By rearranging furniture, adjusting bed placements, fine-tuning office layouts, and even enhancing kitchen design elements, you can open up your space and ensure better pathways. Simple actions like relocating objects or artwork, modifying colors, incorporating natural elements such as wood, water, or fire (like candles), and introducing lighting accents can create a fresher, brighter, and energetically balanced environment. Feeling more at ease in your surroundings can lead to increased productivity, enhanced creativity, and greater success in various aspects of your life. If you find yourself weighed down by clutter or seeking a change, Feng Shui offers positive and effective "cures" that boost your energy and motivate you to shape the life you aspire to create.
How does Feng Shui contribute positively to people's lives?
Feng Shui focuses on nine key areas of life: Wealth, Fame/Reputation, Relationships, Family, Health, Children/Creativity, Knowledge/Spirituality, Career, and Travel/Helpful People. Each of these life areas corresponds to a specific section in our homes. For instance, clutter in the Wealth area of your home can lead to stagnant energy affecting your financial well-being. By analyzing these areas and applying Feng Shui techniques, we can significantly enhance those aspects in our lives. This can result in tangible improvements such as improved vitality, increased income, enriched relationships, career advancement, more travel opportunities, and heightened creativity. Every individual can set their own goals and employ Feng Shui methods to help manifest those goals in their lives.
Is Feng Shui suitable for everyone? Who should consider consulting you?
Absolutely, Feng Shui is beneficial for everyone and transcends geographical boundaries. I provide private consultations for homes, businesses, home offices, and gardens. My approach to Feng Shui is both pragmatic and intuitive. Each consultation is an illuminating and interactive process, aimed at helping you create an optimal environment for peace, happiness, and success. If you're seeking a renewed sense of balance, vitality, and vigor in your home and life, Feng Shui can be instrumental in achieving these vital objectives. Whether you're buying a new home, embarking on a remodeling project, transitioning to a home office, planning a redecoration, downsizing, relocating your business, or reimagining your garden space, Feng Shui offers a unique perspective to inspire the most favorable outcomes.
When is the ideal time to engage a Feng Shui Consultant?
Engaging a Feng Shui Consultant is ideal when you're looking to refresh your existing home, seeking a home with good Feng Shui as a homebuyer, desiring a House Blessing or assistance with placing significant items in your new home as a recent homeowner, setting up a home office, assisting realtors in finding Feng Shui-compliant homes for clients and collaborating with home builders and architects to design a home that aligns with Feng Shui principles.
How can individuals enhance the positive effects of Feng Shui, even on a limited budget?
Feng Shui solutions or "remedies" often involve simple adjustments like furniture rearrangement, color and design tweaks, which can remarkably impact your vitality, prosperity, and relationships. A standard Feng Shui consultation usually takes 2-3 hours, contingent on the size and complexity of your space. For those seeking cost-effective options, segmenting the consultation over time or focusing on specific areas of your home, office, or garden can be equally effective.
Are there any prevalent misconceptions about Feng Shui that you'd like to address?
Absolutely, Feng Shui is sometimes regarded as a fleeting trend without substantial impact. In truth, it's an ancient practice dating back over 5,000 years in China and India, with proven effects on homes and lives. Feng Shui is more profound than merely hanging mirrors or painting doors red. It's a complex philosophy and practice aimed at creating energetically compatible spaces to foster prosperity, health, and well-being.
How does living with intention contribute to maintaining a healthy energy flow in our homes for our well-being?
Our intentions significantly shape our lives. By consciously setting intentions, we increase our chances of success. This holds true for Feng Shui as well. When making changes to your home, stating your intention amplifies the effectiveness of a Feng Shui remedy by up to 80%. Thus, our awareness of space organization, clutter clearing, and surrounding ourselves with items we genuinely cherish leads to lives reflecting the harmony and balance we seek.
Could there be any risks if we incorrectly employ Feng Shui in our homes?
Using Feng Shui techniques incorrectly might not yield desired results. Placing objects in wrong positions, following principles that don't align with your preferences, or adopting changes that don't resonate may not provide positive outcomes. It's best to use Feng Shui ideas that resonate and, when uncertain, seek guidance from a professional for optimal benefits.
What are your top 5 recommended changes homeowners can implement to enhance energy flow using Feng Shui?
Clear clutter, starting with visible or disruptive areas associated with key life aspects. Transform energy flow and create space for what you truly desire.
Position your bed and desk in the most favorable "command position" for improved sleep and productivity.
Remove dead or dying plants to enhance vitality.
Repair or replace broken appliances and objects to revitalize energy.
Surround yourself with items you love, parting with those linked to negative events. Release items with sentimental attachments if they no longer enhance your life.
For further information or to schedule a Feng Shui consultation, kindly contact Victoria Coen at 206-472-4121 or visit VictoriaCoen.com.